
I'll post up pictures and a full post soon so check back soon and get the full write up then.
Have a good one!
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So it's the first time I'm writing a comment in my own Blog but I though I'll share you why I got a 60GB HDD player.
For christmas this year I saw a sale on for the 60GB video iPod and I asked my parents as a joke if I could have one expecting them to tell me to go away lol. But they got me one anyway.
Dude what a christmas that was."
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"IT'S DEAD."As we turn the page we soon find out the bus if filled with police and prison men. The scene is set as the policemen can't figure out the cause of their faulty GPS and radio signals. We are introduced to Marshal, someone who seems to look important. The prison men seem to get frustrated but locked up as they are they don’t seem to be moving anywhere.
"STAY."The policemen talk and we are told the driver is dead. The pedestrian who was nearly hit by the bus seems to have disappeared, and the prisoners are caged up tight in the bus. Marshal suggests they get going by foot seeing as they don’t have radio reception here it’s not a good idea to stay.
"SEE?"They walk until they reach an old looking country side house. The prisoners are chained up to a swing whilst Marshal and one policeman walk to the entrance of the house. Blood is shown on the front door steps only to show that at this point the story really gets going. They enter the house and are greeted by a disgusting smell, but no person. The policeman seems to be worried and Marshal asks what’s wrong, only to be answer by the joke of the policeman.
"AAAARRGH!"The policeman just mentions marshals name and the line reads to be continued...
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The good: great gameplay, fantastic sounds, simple controls, new modes and power ups, feels like a classic.
The bad: mini games are a copy of Super Mario 64 DS, saving is a pain, some levels seem short.
Read the full story for more info!
Updated! From the very first screens, to the first videos and then to the first reviews, New Super Mario Bros. has always looked good. And finally I got my hands on the European version of this game. I'm not going to write a full review of this game at this point, but I will mention a few words to what I think impressed/upset me most. The game is based on [duh] the classic Super Mario Bros. game. The 2D design, simple [2 button] controls, melodic music and straightforward story have all been implemented from the original NES title. Some of Mario's acrobatics from Super Mario 64 have been implemented, such as the double and triple jump and the wall slide/jump. These come in handy when you need to get to those hidden places in some levels. The power-ups are nearly identical, the mushroom, the fireball, the star, etc. but there are some new ones which can become really fun to play with. The mega mushroom makes Mario huge, filling the top screen. You can run through obstacles and enemies without getting hurt and the more you do so, the more the Mega Meter at the top fills. This gives you lives for every block filled up so go ahead and smash your way through the level! The mini mushroom just makes you tiny letting you fit in small places you usually can't get to. The blue koopa shell lets you slide along like an empty shell, taking out enemies as you move. Although these are all fun, you'll probably find yourself using fireball power most of the time to get rid of those enemies. The amount of gameplay is just enough for you to not get bored of the game, but also have that feeling of actually finishing a full length game. Some levels may seem very short, but considering the 8 worlds the game has to offer there isn\'t much to complain about. You can take the classic short cuts if you want to [which would reduce the game by about 2 worlds and a few levels]. The [3D] world map clearly shows where you are in each world and where you can buy get power-ups. The single player part of the game is what you'll be spending most time on. Whether you want to speed run or collect every coin it's entirely up to you. The two-player multiplayer part of the game consists of Mario vs. Luigi where you'll battle against each other to collect stars. Jump on their head or use the fireballs to make your opponent drop stars in order for you to get them. One of the biggest disappointments in the game is that the mini games are just direct copies of the ones found on Super Mario 64 DS [except for one new mini game]. Although you probably don't mind this since you'll be playing the story mode most of the time, it would have been nice to see something new here. My personal mark is 9.7 only to say that if you could save whenever you wanted to I would give it 9.9 out of 10! Graphics: Sound: Gameplay: Lasting Appeal: Overall: What did you think of the game and what mark would you give it? Hit the comments and drop your thought down! Update: I\'m even more than impressed and everytime I reach a new level I'm amazed by the game. Fun Fun Fun! Again I gota say this: It's a must have! Thanks to amazon.co.uk for the cover and screen shots! (temporarily taken down) Related links:
9.7 - Even though it's a side-scroller great use of 3D elements are used. Vivid colours and great character animation add to the feeling.
9.8 - For a full 10 they just had to include the classic world map song, but other than that they did a great job in combining classic and new!
10 - Best platformer on the DS [if not on any console]. Great balance between difficulties and length. It's not a huge chalange for those Mario nerds but it's a fun game from start to end.
9.0 - If you just want to blow the game from start to finish [and take those shortvuts] it may only take you a couple of hours. But the multiplayer, hidden areas and mini games add on top of all the single player action.
9.7 - Great game with lots of new features but still reminds of the classic SNES version
Now that I\'ve been playing NSMB for a while now I have to say that the saving is no problem at all. As soon as you clear a few levels and get those coins you need to open the path ways [in order to save] you\'re fine. Also, I was wrong about the mini games. Theres more than just one new one [still not a lot but it's better than all copies].
New Super Mario Bros. on IGN.com
New Super Mario Bros. on Amazon.co.uk (£24.99)
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"I want to go to England, too! There is nice Drum'n'Bass! But Greece is even better! Please, invite me!"
"England?! Lucky you...
would love to see the country sometime myself... scotland specifically...
have never met anyone from Greece before.. and the link exchange sounds like a plan... lets do it! :)"
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